Nominations and Recommendations for ABCUSA Officers

ABCUSA > Nominations and Recommendations for ABCUSA Officers

The nomination process will open in summer 2024 for the positions of ABCUSA Officers for 2026-2027: President, Vice President, and Budget Review Officer. The NOMINATION/RECOMMENDATION and the CANDIDATE PROFILE forms for submission of names to be considered by the ABCUSA Nominating Committee will be posted in summer 2024.

Thank you for your participation in this important part of the representative process.

ABC Officers Qualifications and Commitments


Notes about the 2026-2027 nomination process:

The ABCUSA Nominating Committee is endeavoring to prepare a slate sensitive to the diversity in our denomination.

The NOMINATION AND RECOMMENDATION form (Form #1) is used for both nominating a candidate and for providing a recommendation for someone who has been nominated. The form is to be completed and returned by the individual making the nomination/recommendation. For nominations, please secure agreement of the candidate before proposing one’s name for this process.

The CANDIDATE PROFILE form (Form #2), and the QUALIFICATIONS AND COMMITMENTS document, should be shared with the Candidate. CANDIDATE PROFILE forms received after October 1, 2024 cannot be considered