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ABHMS Podcast Spotlights Unique Summer Ministry
In the latest installment of American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ “Faces and Places of Hope” weekly podcast series, the Rev. Steve Bils describes a unique 12-year-old ministry
ABHMS Posts Ecumenical Work Week Updates
Those unable to participate in “Here Until the Work is Done VI” Ecumenical Work Week can follow along with posts and photographs on the American Baptist Home Mission Societies
Immerse 2012 Update
Immerse, the 2012 National Gathering of American Baptist Youth, met this summer from July 24-28 in Washington, DC. For an update about the conference, click here. General Secretary
Munro Retires as Executive Director, Interim Ministries-ABC
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 8/1/12)—After 7 years of service as Executive Director of Interim Ministries-ABC, Rev. Jamie Munro retired on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. “Jamie will be greatly
Mission Summit 2013
Visit www.americanbaptists2013.org for more information!
National Youth Gathering Features Mission Outreach
WASHINGTON, D.C. (ABNS 7/27/12)—Many youth from across the United States and Puerto Rico served as the hands and feet of Christ by participating in mission outreach at various sites
Visit to 2012 Hopi Summer Project of ABMen
Rev. Dr. Leo Thorne, Associate General Secretary for Mission Resource Development, was recently invited by the ABMen-USA President Lucky Ray to visit and take part in work being done
Message on Hospitality
The following message is an excerpt from a message given by General Secretary Roy Medley at Green Lake Conference Center/American Baptist Assembly in Green Lake, Wisconsin. Summer