Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 17,000

ABCUSA > In the Spotlight > Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 17,000

Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 17,000

Our prayers go out to the people of Syria and Turkey as they continue to dig out of the rubble and destruction of the devastating earthquake that has now killed more than 17,000 people (as of February 9, 2023). It seems that earthquakes should be given names similar to hurricanes, in order to mark and remember the catastrophic damage caused. The lingering effects, grief, and loss will no doubt continue for many years.

We are grateful for all those who give regularly to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering even when there is no current event on the news. Such giving allows funds to be sent immediately to aid in these disasters.

More information about gifts being distributed to effected areas will be shared soon.

Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing may be made here by selecting “One Great Hour of Sharing”.

Rev. Dr. C. Jeff Woods
General Secretary
American Baptist Churches USA
