Engage 2023! is the reimagined “Orientation to American Baptist Life” program. Participants will be attending Biennial sessions to connect, equip and belong within American Baptist Churches USA! There will be opportunities to learn about the American Baptist family, meet with leaders and mentors, create a network of ABC colleagues, and attend the American Baptist Churches 2023 Biennial Mission Summit, June 22-25 in San Juan, Puerto Rico!
Engage 2023! is an event for:
- American Baptist seminarians in their second or third year
- Pastors ordained by other denominations, hired by ABC Churches
- Anyone who attended the virtual 2021 OTABL
- Others: Lay ministers, chaplains, and specialized ministry persons who have not yet attended OTABL/ENGAGE
Engage 2023! Involves video recordings by the Office of General Secretary, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, International Ministries, as well as MMBB Financial Services (the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board). Puerto Rico in-person experience includes three sessions for Engage 2023! participants, alongside all Biennial sessions. The first session begins on Thursday, June 22 at 4:00pm Atlantic Time.
Please view partner videos (OGS, MMBB, IM, ABHMS).
Come, join us at Engage 2023! Together, we will explore how we Connect, Equip, and Belong in this family of American Baptists!
Contact co-facilitators Rev. Judy Fackenthal and Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque at Engage2023@abc-usa.org to learn more.
Engage 2023! Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Engage 2023!?
Answer: The Orientation to American Baptist Life (OTABL) program is now called Engage 2023! This program welcomes and orients seminarians and ministers new to the American Baptist family. New Ministers to ABC are recommended by their regional Executive Minister and Seminarians are self-identified through communications with their seminaries. Engage 2023 participants will be placed with a mentor and a mentoring group during the program. The mentoring component will be hosted by Regional Executive Staff members. For more information, contact Co-Facilitators Rev. Judy Fackenthal or Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque at Engage2023@abc-usa.org.
Q: Is the Biennial Mission Summit different?
Answer: YES. The Biennial Mission Summit is the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) national gathering held every two years. The event offers American Baptists a unique opportunity to come together to share ideas and learn from one another about what is working in the growth and vitality of our churches today and provides a chance to gather together to worship, reconnect, learn together and celebrate God’s work among us as an ABCUSA family. It also provides time to do the necessary business of our denomination, electing the denomination’s officers (President, Vice President, Budget Review Officer) for the coming Biennium.
Engage 2023 is a program offering that is being held at the Biennial Mission Summit. We have made arrangements for Engage 2023 participants to join those at the event in many of their program offerings. There will be ministers and lay people at the Biennial Mission Summit.